Wednesday, August 17, 2011

DIY Light Bulb Vase

I found a perfect use for those seemingly unusable old light bulbs. It's an easy DIY craft that's quick and only requires 3 items.

You need:
a light bulb (or many) of any shape or size
and gardening wire.

First you need to remove the little silver layer on the bottom of the light bulb.  Work the pliers under the layer to create a little lip, and then peel it off with the pliers.

Now you have to remove the black cap from the bottom of the light bulb. Be extremely careful, as it is glass.   I used the pliers to tap the rest of the black glass off the bulb.  Do this outdoors or over a hard surface so you can sweep up the bits of glass.

Once the black glass was removed get the little glass tube and wiring on the inside of the bulb out . Simply tap it with the pliers and it should break right off.

Now you have an empty light bulb to work with. I suggest adding fabric to the metal rim, then add flowers and water and hang with gardening wire, enjoy!

DIY mason jar solar powered light

I stumbled upon these and can not wait to make them! They will be great as apartment décor, or outdoors, possibly for a wedding? You simply sit them in the sun all day, and they’ll last all night.

You need:
a mason jar with a clear glass lid (can be found at ikea)
a solar garden light like the ones pictured
and glass frosting spray.

1. start by spraying the inside of the jar with the frosting spray – this will help diffuse the light and give it a warm glow. make sure you don't spray the lid however!
2. next you’ll need to take apart the solar lamp certain kinds can simply be unscrewed and the solar/battery pack remains intact, whereas others will require some reassembly with adhesive.
3. glue the solar cell, or the parts you’ve harvested from the garden lamp, to the underside of the jar’s lid.
4. That's all! close the lid, put your jar in direct sunlight and you'll have a glow all night long.